Monday, May 18, 2020

Should Schools Be Involved Social Media - 956 Words

Running head: SHOULD SCHOOLS BE INVOLVED IN SOCIAL MEDIA? 1 â€Å"Position Paper 3: Should Schools Be Involved in Social Media?† Connie McCartney December 2, 2014 EDT 50060 SHOULD SCHOOLS BE INVOLVED IN SOCIAL MEDIA? 2 Introduction Social media is a trending topic for school districts. Should school districts embrace social media? Most students use some form of social media daily. Students are constantly checking their accounts to see how many â€Å"likes†, â€Å"tweets†, or â€Å"followers† they have. Teachers are constantly checking their cell phones or computers. Our society is becoming more and more dependent on social media. I think school districts should be involved in social media. I think the advantages of using social media outweigh the disadvantages. SHOULD SCHOOLS BE INVOLVED IN SOCIAL MEDIA? 3 Should schools use social media to communicate? Most schools have a Facebook or Twitter account to communicate with parents and students. We know that social media is the quickest way to make information available to the public. Students don’t think they can survive without social media. Social media is very helpful for students when they are not able to attend class. Some students have prolonged illnesses or may be terminally ill. I can post assignments, set up a place for students to blog, and answer questions students may have quickly. My son hadShow MoreRelatedParents Limiting the Use of Social Media1496 Words   |  6 Pages There has been controversy as to whether parents should limit the use of social media by teenagers. Teenagers feel that there is no need to limit the use of their social media networking, but on the other hand parents should feel the need to limit their use and also keep track of their teen’s social networking. 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