Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The War Between Tsarists Russia And The Empire Of Japan

Prepared By: Joseph Coccia Submitted To: Dr. Eric Ash Course: Regional History 5333: The Soviet Union Virtual Campus, Summer Session Due date: May 10, 2015 The 1904-1905 war between Tsarists Russia and the Empire of Japan pitted a newly developed modern military against and poorly funded, organized, and outdated war machine. It to become the bloodiest war fought prior to World War I. The conflict gained universal recognition as the Russo-Japanese War. The Russians desired to expand eastward and reap the economic benefits created by the natural resources contained within China and Korea. In addition, and most importantly they desired year-round access to a warm-water port. Japan sought the respect and equal treatment from Western nations and the removal of Russian influence in the Far East. The war was not a prolonged conflict; however, the final outcome shocked the powerful western nations. Japan would gain acceptance by western nations as a global power and a militaristic state. Unfortunately for Russia the conclusion of the war set into motion a series of events that would bring about the demise of Tsarists Russia. Russians knew very little of peace. Since the reign of the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1480-1547) until the reign of the Russian Empire (1721-1917) Russia had been at war or engaged in military conflict on fifty separate occasions. The leadership and the citizens within the empire lived with war and the ravages of war for four hundred andShow MoreRelatedThe Collapse Of The Russian Monarchy1881 Words   |  8 Pageswasn’t well suited for the role he held therefore he was an incompetent leader. Russia was undergoing many changes and was in early stages of industrialization. This was followed by an embarrassing string of defeats of which the Tsar was badly prepared. His unsuccessful involvement in the First World War added to the disappointment in the government’s incompetence and corruption. 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